WCS provides FINRA exam sponsorship along with broker-dealer affiliation to experienced M&A Intermediaries, Investment Bankers, and Institutional Placement Agents. Our goal is to alleviate the burdensome yet necessary aspects of FINRA and SEC compliance, allowing you to focus 100% on originating and executing transactions.
We support you regardless of your primary focus; we have reps who are Investment Bankers, Insurance Agents, Certified Public Accountants (CPA), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Investment Advisor, or Retirement Planners. We don't tell you what you "should" focus on. We are here to serve the independent Rep regardless of your primary business focus.
You've worked hard to become an Investment Banker, CFP, trusted investment advisor, or retirement planner, and so we respect that. Building your business is important and changing firms can be a determining factor as to how you conduct your business. As an independent Rep, you should talk to those who have made WCS their broker-dealer home and hear how other independent Reps are growing their business. As an independent broker-dealer we are here to help our representatives and financial advisors throughout their transition. With our help your move becomes a very manageable task. Being independent doesn't mean being alone. We become your back office.
Rep Compensation
Each Rep's payout percentage is based on their verifiable volume of production. We have a schedule detailing the various levels, which we will be glad to email upon request. If you come to us in a group, we can make a "group payout deal" based on the total volume of the group. For those who want to recruit and manage other reps, we can set you up as an OSJ office if you are qualified with the proper licenses and experience. It has become necessary for us to have a minimum production volume to make it worthwhile for the Rep and the broker/dealer to cover their necessary costs. Our current minimum is $50,000 of annual commissions which can be satisfied by either securities or insurance production. We do not pay signing bonuses because we think the independent Rep should own his business and build value for his future.
Our fees consist of Errors & Omissions Insurance, Brokerage Workstation (optional), and your Registration costs. If you add additional services such as real-time quotes, research, etc., you will be charged at our cost. There are other programs such as Laser App, RIA services provided by our clearing firm, which you may wish to investigate.
At WCS, you have a pervasive list of products to choose from, which are all provided by outside parties. Just ask,, and we will be glad to email the complete list of selling agreements to you. We do not believe in proprietary products, shortlists, or favored providers. Our only commitment is to you and your customers to get the best product for their investment goals. Our products include: Mutual Funds, Variable Annuities/Life, Unit Investment Trusts, Limited Partnerships, Private Placements, 1031 Exchanges, Stocks, Bonds, Brokered CD's, Fixed Insurance products, Disability and Retirement Plans. Our focus is on the Financial Planner's need, and we want you to have all the tools to do an outstanding job for your clients.
We provide a line-up of the best insurance companies available utilizing wholesale specialists as resources. We have options for the variable, indexed, and fixed annuities as well as variable, indexed, whole, and term life.
WCS clears through the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), which provides industry experience partnered with an acclaimed technology platform. Their US operations are in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
RBC's management team offers over 100 years of combined experience in operations, accounting, information technology, regulatory, and compliance affairs. They deliver superior service that is timely and accurate. Their service culture is one of honesty, integrity, and responsibility, which matches our excellent service ethic and culture.
We feel we get the best service in the business from RBC, and our pricing is excellent. For a copy of our clearing costs, ask for a statement to be emailed to you. Our reps have a choice of work stations depending on their level of detail required. Through RBC, we offer checks, debit cards, and all the services the major clearing firms offer customers. You can see your client's accounts, make trades, and print statements from your computer. Your clients can see their accounts via RBC's client portal at www.investor-connect.com and have real-time values on their accounts. RBC is a first-class choice. For additional information on RBC, visit www.rbc.com.
Registered Investment Advisor-RIA
WCS offers advisory services in Texas, Ohio, and Florida as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). We can add other states if the addition makes good business sense. You may have your own RIA if you prefer, and we will do the monitoring and compliance suitability review that is required. We can do the custodial work for you, or you may choose an outside company. Again, we view your business as independent and give you choices that fit your situation.
The World Choice Reps have the latest technology to aid them in their business. We do not create a basket of services and charge all reps a technology fee, whether they need it or not! (which has become so prevalent in the industry today) We give you tools that reps use. We don't try to blind you with shiny window dressing that brings no value or profit to your business. World Choice gives you features not-for-show but because they are great ideas.
- For a nominal fee, you can elect to have one of three brokerage workstations, which gives you real-time access to your accounts 24/7. Your clients get their access free. Additional features such as real-time quotes or research can be added if you wish.
- We also have an array of services available from RBC, which you may want to explore. The key is to find out what you need and how best to automate for efficiency. Let us help you select the combination that best fits your style and need.
Remember, when it comes to technology, the details make all the difference. That's why we suggest you take a "test drive" of these systems to see how they can meet your needs. Just call, and we will schedule a time to give you an online demo.
Quality Compliance
Our focus in compliance is to meet all requirements, to do an excellent job of protecting everyone, and to do it in a way that is not too intrusive to you and your client. The Compliance Officer at WCS "has been in your shoes" selling on commission and understands your perspective. We believe the client should have the information they deserve and what you would want if you were buying. The approach we take is educational, and we try to be efficient and thorough.
We encourage marketing for our reps. Our compliance strives for a fast turn-around of marketing materials, and we have some pre-approved content. We support Visions web services that have automated compliance approval and address specific issues for registered reps. With Send-out-Cards, you can have a very efficient and economic contact system for drip campaigns and stay in touch with your prospects and clients. Each of our insurance wholesalers provides lead programs which you can have access to (one can be free if you qualify). Many of our reps market through School 403b retirement plans, use CPA referrals, and market through local banks. We are familiar with these methods of marketing, and more so we are better able to help you.
Currently we are registered in the following states:
- Alabama (AL)
- Arizona (AZ)
- Arkansas (AR)
- California (CA)
- Colorado (CO)
- Florida (FL)
- Georgia (GA)
- Illinois (IL)
- Indiana (IN)
- Iowa (IA)
- Kansas (KS)
- Kentucky (KY)
- Louisiana (LA)
- Maine (ME)
- Maryland (MD)
- Massachusetts (MA)
- Michigan (MI)
- Minnesota (MN)
- Missouri (MO)
- Montana (MT)
- Nebraska (NE)
- New Jersey (NJ)
- New Mexico (NM)
- New York (NY)
- North Carolina(NC)
- Ohio (OH)
- Oklahoma (OK)
- Pennsylvania (PA)
- South Carolina (SC)
- Tennessee (TN)
- Texas (TX)
- Utah (UT)
- Virginia (VA)
- Washington (WA)
- Wisconsin(WI)